News + Insights


Harrow Speech Room - LIT Awards Winner

The stunning Grade II* listed Speech Room wins prestigious lighting design award.

Photo credit: James Newton


Gainsborough’s House - Civic Trust Awards Regional Winner

The histroric Gainsborough’s House with its fantasitc new gallery building have won a Regional Civic Trust Award!

Photo credit: James Newton

Photo credit: Jonathan Cole


The Neuron Pod - Platinum Muse 2023 Winner

The iconic Neuron Pod at Queen Mary Univerity London has won Platinum! The third lighting design award that the eye catching structure by aLL Design has won.



Bridlington Seafront - Silver Muse Award 2023 Winner

Colourful illuminating totems form part of an exciting landscape and lighting rejuvination on the popular coast of Bridlinton, UK.

Having been shortlisted for the 2022 Darc Awards, this Muse win is another recognition of the project’s success, along with the 2021 Constructing Excellence Yorkshire and Humber Awards.


Photo credit: Andrew Hatfield Photography

10 years since the close of the 2012 Olympic Games


All of the public realm areas at the London 2012 Olympic Park were lit by SVA. Today on the 10-year anniversary since the closing ceremony of the games, we look back at the work by SVA around the park

Jubilee lighting for Stump Cross Caverns!
Sutton Vane Associates Sutton Vane Associates

Jubilee lighting for Stump Cross Caverns!

With her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee approaching, Stump Cross Caverns in Yorkshire asked the Sutton Vane Associates team to create a special jubilee lighting scheme for one of there caves

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Show the Architecture
Sutton Vane Associates Sutton Vane Associates

Show the Architecture

If you’re working on a project that revolves around historic architecture, there are a number of areas that will require specialist insight. Here, we provide an illustrated guide for how to design and implement architectural lighting for your next project.

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